Hastings Bros. Outfitters Blog
Hastings Bros. Outfitters Blog
February 22, 2024
November 21, 2021
It's been while since we touched base. We appreciate everyone's patience as we guide ourselves through life in a different way. We had a very successful fall hunt in September and we are really looking forward to getting back at it in the spring.
After two years of struggling with the border closure we had no choice but to raise our rates by $500.00, the soaring cost of goods has sky rocketed. We appreciate your understanding.
We would love to hear from you, please do not hesitate to call or email us.

Spring Bear Hunters and COVID-19 UPDATE
March 18, 2020
All spring bear hunters please note that we are watching the current pandemic situation closely. We are in the mindset that everything will be fine, and, in a few weeks, good news will fill the networks instead of the constant stream of negative information we see and read everyday. Think and stay positive, follow the recommendations of the CDC and do your part and practice social distancing.
We are putting a contingency plan for the spring bear hunt to be rescheduled for the fall if necessary.
Our plan is to wait through the next few weeks of quarantine and see where it takes us.
We will keep you all updated. Please stay safe and stay healthy!
Tim and Donna Hastings

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
January 3, 2020
Wishing our past and future guests a Happy New Year! If you are lucky enough during your stay with us you may see the Aurora Borealis(Northern Lights).

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
December 11, 2019
We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looking forward to meeting new guests and old! It's a great time of year to be grateful!
No Rate Change for 2021
No Rate Change for 2021
December 3, 2019
We decided to keep our rates unchanged for 2021! Still have a few spots for 2020!
A bear hunt would be a great Christmas gift, bring a company associate or client!
You won't regret it!

Boom Chakka Boom!
Boom Chakka Boom!
September 23, 2019
One of the biggest brown bears ever seen! This is a MONSTER! We have only a few spots left for 2020. June 8-12 and June 15-19. Give us a call 204-785-1711
Monster Brown!
Monster Brown!
June 16, 2019
Big cinnamon bear, we are starting to see more and more color phased black bears every year! If you are looking for color, come hunt with us! Don't be disappointed book now!
Boone and Crockett Bear with no nose!
Boone and Crockett Bear with no nose!
June 5, 2019
I wonder what the story is behind this bear? The bear with no nose. First Boone and Crockett bear of 2019!
Booking Fall Bear and Wolf Hunt 2019 - Limited tags- give us a call 204-785-1711
Little Painting
Little Painting
April 27, 2019
We did some painting and renovations in Cabin #2, yes I had Timmy yelling at me a few times :).
I think it turned out great, amazing what a little paint will do!
Come hunt with us!
Come hunt with us!
April 2, 2019
Early Spring! Bears are starting to run! If you want to come last minute let us know.
You won't be disappointed!!
Spring is on the way!
Spring is on the way!
March 4, 2019
Spring is around the corner, we are getting our bait supplies ready! We have a lot of snow this winter, lake levels will be up! Make sure you pack your rubber boots.
Our beautiful main lodge has a breathtaking view of the lake. You can catch dinner right off the dock or take a boat and motor and explore the lake. Fish fry Friday's are the absolute best, can you taste it?
We have 4 spots left May 13-17, excellent week. Book it! We also have non-hunter rates if you want to bring someone with you to fish or video your hunt!
Give us a call 204-785-1711
Coloured Bears Galore!
Coloured Bears Galore!
March 4, 2019
Lots of different colour phase bears at our bait sites. Looking for colour?
Hunters have been seeing multiple bears on one bait site, one hunter counted 17 different bears!
Welcome first time Hunters
Welcome first time Hunters
February 4, 2019
Don't be discouraged that you have never hunted bear and don't know the first thing about it.
Tim and Lee will educate you while baiting bears, shot placement, what to look for in a bear. You are part of the hunt from start to finish. We are also family friendly, if you want to bring your son or daughter for some "bonding" time, we are very welcoming. It will be quite the experience for all.
In this picture it was a first hunt for father and son. They had the time of their lives!
Memories that they will always cherish!
If you do decide to come hunting by yourself, you will make hunting friends that will last a lifetime. Don't be discouraged!
This is what you need:
Fly into Winnipeg James Richardson International(Winnipeg Manitoba) airport, we will pick you up.
Hunters Safety Certificate, Passport, Hunting gear, Bow, Rifle, or Crossbow.
Hunting and Fishing licenses are at the Lodge.
Coolers for transporting your trophy and meat.
Give us a call and we will help you plan your hunt with us! 204-785-1711

January 30, 2019
Think Spring? It's pretty hard to think spring when we had -60'F with the wind chill! We are gearing up for another successful black bear season we have some great dates left for 2019 - May 6-10, May 13-17, and May 17-21.
If it's your first time bear hunting, not to worry Tim and Lee are knowledgeable when it comes to bear hunting, they will make sure you have a successful hunt. Our guests get involved in the baiting and are taken to many different bait sites.
Our hunting camp is deep in the wilderness of Manitoba, don't be surprised to see a moose or two!